Ladies, have I got some fabulous flat belly tips for you! If you’re looking to trim down or just get into better shape for the new season, these simple flat belly tips can help you achieve a smaller stomach and beat the bloat! To me, there’s nothing worse than feeling bloated, but luckily there are practical diet tips that can help you achieve a flatter belly and lose weight!

One of the newer flat belly tips I learned about is to snack on protein. But the catch is, your protein snack should be eaten between 3 and 4PM. Why you ask? The reason it’s important to snack on protein during that hour is because it boosts your metabolism and balances your blood sugar. Ideally, you should eat something every 3-4 hours to help ensure that your blood sugar is balanced. Balanced blood sugar leads to lowered insulin, which is important because higher levels of insulin can cause your belly to store fat.

In order to achieve a flat belly, exercise is of utmost importance but it might not be as difficult as you think! Resistance training builds lean muscle and having more muscle makes for a faster metabolism, which leads to longer calorie burn. Exercise physiologist Tom Holland recommends doing the same amount of exercise as your weight to blast fat. So, for example, if you weigh 150 pounds, do 150 minutes of exercise a week divided up!

Staying on the subject of exercise, a great way to lose belly fat is to weight train. Weight training is important for a number of reasons, such as stronger bones, improved performance in sports, improved balance and to lose abdominal fat. Research has shown that women who weight trained for an hour twice a week lost 15% more belly fat than those who didn’t!